For you

For you
This is to give you an idea of the life of me and you can ask me anything from tips and tricks on pro-ana to asking advice I hope in a small way my blog shows you how not to live your life and to me you are all perfect.

Sunday, 22 May 2011


Hey guys so today I have only had one meal it was my dinner it had:

spoonful of peas-25kcal
large flat mushroom-15kcal
on top of the mushroom was pate-41kcal

I may have an apple later but only if I'm hungry so that's a grand total of

101 kcal
164 if a have an apple later.


  1. very amazing post for loosing weight on pro ana i will give it atry.

  2. Hi could I get your best tips for binging and purging please
